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Tao Anping

陶安萍艺术简介:    陶安萍,中国美术家协会会员、四川大学艺术学院国画系副教授,中国重彩画研究会会员,四川省工笔画会理事,成都当代工笔画学会理事,四川省诗书画院特聘画家,二酉山房特聘画家。主要从事山水画创作,作品多次入选国家级、省级展览并获奖,2010年于美国德州艾尔帕索市举办个人画展,作品被国内外收藏家收藏。 一、主要展览 及获奖 (一)、获奖: 《蜀山春意》入选“辉煌浦东——全国中国画展”并获优秀奖(中国美术家协会主办) 《蜀乡春韵》于《大山大水大美四川》山水画大展中获银奖(四川省美术家协会) 《云起静园》参加“和美——首届四川省工笔画学会作品展”获优秀奖(四川省文联) 《蜀乡秀色》于“芙蓉绽放——当代工笔画大展暨中国画名家邀请展”获“金芙蓉奖” 《天台山秋色》于“纪念红军长征80周年四川美术创作年作品展”获优秀奖(四川省美术家协会) (二)、入选中国美术家协会主办全国性展览共9次 《月色》入选“纪念延安讲话60周年全国美术作品 展” (中国美术家协会主办) 《荷花亭》入选“纪念邓小平诞辰100周年全国美术作品展” (中国美术家协会主办) 《蜀山春意》入选“辉煌浦东——全国中国画展”并获优秀奖(中国美术家协会主办) 《蜀山清居》入选“首届全国山水画艺术双年展” (中国美术家协会主办) 《夏日牧歌》入选“中国西部大地情中国画大展” (中国美术家协会主办) 《云起幽岩》入选“第七届全国工笔画作品展” (中国美术家协会主办) 《蘭乡秀色》入选“第三届全国工笔山水画作品展” (中国美术家协会主办) 《蜀村华树簇云烟》入选“八荒神通—哈尔滨全国中国画双年展” (中国美术家协会主办) 《牧归》入选“2012全国工笔画作品展” (中国美术家协会主办) (三)、其它全国性展览 《荷香漫亭》入选“微观与精致——第二届全国小型工笔重彩画作品展”(北京工笔画学会) 《亭》入选“中国重彩画两岸交流展”台湾台北历史博物馆(中国重彩画会主办) 《园林春色》入选“重彩——创造,中国重彩画获奖作者作品展” (中国重彩画学会) 《蜀山幽居》入选“第二届徐悲鸿奖中国画作品展”(江苏省美协、徐悲鸿研究会) 《蜀山秋韵》入选“第二届全国青年工笔画新锐作品展”(北京工笔画学会) 《家》参加“中国当代艺术大展”(重庆市文联) 《丹山烟云》入选“首届全国青年工笔画新锐艺术展”(北京工笔画学会) 《山水系列》入选“第二届徐悲鸿奖提名展”(江苏省美术家协会、徐悲鸿研究会主办) 《蜀山秋色》入选“首届中国工笔画省际联盟优秀作品提名巡展”(四川省工笔画学会) (四)、主要省级美协举办展览: 《陋室余晖》入选“第十届全国美展四川省美术作品展”(四川省美协) 《云起静园》入选“第十一届全国美展四川省美术作品展”(四川省美协) 《云深蜀山秀》入选“第十二届全国美展四川省美术作品展”(四川省美协) 山水画作品入选第一届、第二届四川省文华美术奖美术作品展…… (五)个人画展 2010年赴美国艾尔帕索市举办个展 2016年山水系列获邀参加“蹊径——六人山水画作品邀请展”(温江美术馆) 二、出版发行:个人画集《徐悲鸿奖提名展画家作品集——陶安萍卷》(安徽省美术出版社)2011年11月 三、国画作品刊发: 作品“山水”发表于《国画家》2012年6期 作品“静园印象”发表于《美术报》25期 作品“深谷幽径”系列入编《当代中国重彩画集》(天津杨柳青画社出版) 作品“丹霞仙境”系列入编《学院工笔》(2008年江西美术出版社) 作品“荷塘”系列入编《中国画 21辑》(2008年人民美术出版社) 作品“云起幽崖”入编《时代收藏》2009年2期…… 作品发表于《中国书画报》2016 Anping(Anne) Tao, an artist and lecturer of Chinese painting at Sichuan University, is mentored by Mr. Duan Qiding, a well-known Chinese painting master. She is also a menber of Sichuan Artist Association , and a senior painter of Oriental Art Institute. Anping(Anne) Tao was born in1971, and acquired her bachelor’s degree of art at South West Normal University in1996 and her master’s degree of art at Sichuan University in 2001, focusing on landscape painting. She excels at exquisite modern landscape painting, especailly elegant courtyard and tasteful room, which are distingushed by their rich colors and a combination of detailed and delicate line drawing (Gongbi) and abstract, impressionistic (Xieyi) paintings. Many of her Chinese paintings have been exhibited in various provincal and national art exhibitions , and some of them have been collected by the collectors from home and abroad. She has also published many papers on academic journals. Being a talentd painter, she is also an experienced and devoted teacher of Chinese painting, teaching undergraduated students of Chinese painting department at Sichuan University. Major Exhibitions Participated The National Art Symposium of Normal Universities with her painting Water and Mountain in 1996 Participated The Exhibition of ChongQing Woman’s Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, and won excellent prize in 1996 with Drifting Clouds Participated The Sichuan Youth Art Exhibition with her painting Impression of Zong Shuping in 2002 Participated The Exhibition of Sichuan Art Works with her painting Winter in 2002 Participated The Chinese Painting Exhibition featuring Western China landscape with her paining Pastoral Song of Summer in 2003 Participated The National Art Exhibition for the Commemoration of the 60th Aniversary of Mao’s Talk in Yan’an with her painting Moonlight in 2004 Participated the Tenth National Art Exhibition( Sichuan Province District ) with her painting A Sunset-bathed Humble Room in 2004 Participated The Art Exhibition for the Commemoration of the 100th Aniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s Birthday with her painting Water-lily Pavilian in 2004 Participated Tokyo International Art Exhibition at Sichuan University with her painting Red Bamboo in 2006 Participated The Annual Art Exhibition of Oriental Art Institute with her painting Golden Lotus Pond in 2007 Participated The Art Exhibition for invited young painters in Sichuan Province in 2007 with her artworks of elegant courtyard and tasteful room.






微博:Tao Anping



