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Tang Yunming

唐允明 男,一九五三年生于上海,四川开江县人。四川美术学院教授、硕士研究生导师、中国美术家协会会员、重庆美术家协会副主席。 七七年毕业于四川美术学院绘画系中国画专业,留校任助教。八三年考取该院硕士研究生,由冯建吴、李文信教授指导,获硕士学位。曾任四川美术学院中国画系系主任、副院长、重庆市艺术专业职称高评委副主任。   从七七至今,一直从事中国画的教学与创作研究,特别于中国山水画艺术方面有建树。主要在传统审美的基础上追求山水画的现代感与独创性,在中国画笔墨的表现方式上有较大突破。 蓍有多篇论文在全国重要专业刊物发表 。 自八十年代以来,创作了大量作品参加国内外重要画展。多次入选国家级大展,并多次获得重要奖项。其中,代表作《野山》获第七届全国美展铜奖,《红岭》获第八届全国美展优秀作品展奖,及该展最高奖项“日中友好会馆”大奖。《秋》获96’中日现代水墨画交流展金奖。画家还获中国艺术研究院美术研究所“中国画学术精诚奖”、全国“首届国画家奖”、四川省政府奖“巴蜀文艺奖”二等奖、四川省国画大展“金龙奖”、重庆市优秀作品金质奖及若干省美展优秀奖。大量作品由《美术》、《美术观察》、《江苏画刊》、《国画家》、等十余种全国性著名美术刊物发表及专栏介绍,并编入各种大型画集和光盘。作品还在美国、日本、德国、法国展出,由英国大英博物馆、日本日中友好会馆等机构收藏。由荣宝斋在香港举办《唐允明水墨画展》。由中国美协主办,在日本东京举办《现代中国绘画四人展》。两度作为以中国美协会常务副主席王琦为团长的中国美术家代表团成员赴日本访问。曾由文化部聘为98中国美术年重要美展评委。山东电视台“世纪美术家”专栏节目摄有专题片《山水画家唐允明》。 Tang Yunming, male, was born in Shanghai in 1953, with his original nation place in Kaijiang County, Sichuan Province, now is a professor in the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, a member of the Chinese Artists Association and the vice-chairman of the Chongqing Artists Association. Graduated from the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1977, Mr.Tang became an assistant in the same academy. Later, he was admitted to the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts as a postgrauate student and got his Master degree after graduation. The painter also held posts of the head of the traditional Chinese Painting Department of the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, the vice president of the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and the vice director of the Evaluation Committee of Senior Tittles in Art Speciality of Chongqing City. The Painter is mainly engaged in research and creation of traditional Chinese paintings. in his works, the painter seeks for the modern sense of landscape on the basis of traditional aesthetic standards and has made a significant breakthrough in the form of expression of the Chinese brush and ink application. His many works were put on display in the various important art exhibitions held at home and abroad and won some major prizes. Among his representative works, the"Wild Mountain"won the Bronze Medal of the 7th National Art Exhibition, the "Red Ridge" won the Prize of the Excellent Works Exhibition under the 8th national Art Exhibition and the Sino-Japan Friendship Guild Prize of the 8th National Art Exhibition and the "Autumn" won the Golden Prize of the 96‘ Sino-Japan Modern Ink-wash painting Exchange Exhibition. In addition, the painter was awarded some other prizes such as The First Traditional Chinese Painter Prize, Traditional Chinese Painting Academic Sincerity Prize and the 2nd prize of the Sichuan "Ba Shu literature-Art Award". Tang Yunming‘s many works were published and introduced in special columns by well-known art magazines such as "Fine Arts", "Fine Arts Observation", "Journal of Jiang Su Paintings" and "Traditional Chinese Painters"and were incorporated in the various large painting albums and CD-ROMs. Some of this works have been collected by the famous organs such as the British Museum and the Sino-Japan Friendship Guild. Mr.Tang held the "TangYunming‘s Ink-wash Paintings Exhibition" in Hong Kong and the "Four Persons‘ Modern Chinese Painting‘s Exhibition" in Japan, which was sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association,and was invited to visit Japan twice as a member of the Chinese Fine Arts Delegation.The Painter was also employed as a member of the evaluation committee of many national art exhibitions.









