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Zhao Wanbi

赵完壁 赵氏完壁,四川南充县人,生于一九零四年,卒于一九九四年。   他自幼酷爱艺术,十六岁进张澜先生主办的南充旧制中学艺术班,一九二七年入上海新华艺术大学,得潘天寿、诸闻韵精心指导。回川后曾任国立成都师范大学艺术系教授,四川私立美专教授。一九三八年创办四川私立岷云艺专任校长至解放。后为省政协五届委员会委员,四川省文史研究馆馆员。   完壁先生成名很早,是一位修养全面的艺术家兼教育家。绘画方面,人物、山水花鸟俱能,工笔写意兼到,尤精于青绿山水, 秋林枯木,与大千先生在伯仲之间。   新中国成立后,在左的路线影响下,他不被人知而受到不公正的待遇,历尽坎坷,但他的艺术没有被湮没。七十年代他的界画《红楼梦大观园》及青绿山水《八百里青城》……等绢画作品,不署名而从广交会卖到日本、美国及东南亚地区。直到十年动乱后,他和他的艺术才得到真正的解放,创作了一批精品留芳后世。他的作品多次在国内外展出。在北京、郑州、昆明、成都等地都分别举办了个人画展。代表作《枫叶枯林》被选入金通达主编的《中国当代国画家辞典》。国家级书画藏品《全国文史研究馆书画藏品》、《中国民族文化宫书画藏品》、《中国美术馆书画藏品》……均收藏了他的作品。并由四川省美术出版社出版发行《赵完壁国画选》专缉一本。 (赵淑媛) Mr. Zhao Wanbi , a well-known chinese artist , was born in 1904 in Nanchong county Sichuan province,and died in 1994. Because of being very fond of art since the childhood , he began to learn drawing in the art class of the former Nanchong middle school when he was just 16 years old .And in 1927, he entered Shanghai Xinhua Art University and was guided by famous chinese artists Pan Tianshou and Zhu Wenyun. In 1938,he set up the private Sichuan Minyun Art College and took charge of the headmaster . Mr.Zhao Wanbi had also been a professor of the art department of the public Chengdu Teachers‘ University and the private Sichuan Art College, a member of the CPPCC Sichuan committee and a member of Sichuan Research Institute of Literature and History .   As a well-trained and gifted artist and educationist, he became famous early. He was good at tranditional chinese painting and calligraphy, especially in drawing pictures of mountains and rivers ,withered woods and so on . In the 1970‘s, his work painted on silk The Dream of Red Mansion and Qing Cheng Mountain etc. was sold abroad to USA, Japan and the East-South Asia area . He held the personal exhibition of paintings separately in the places such as Beijing, Zhengzhou, Kunming, Chengdu,etc. and his works were also exhibited at home and abroad many times. His masterpiece Maple leaves and withered trees was selected into the Contemporary Chinese Painter‘s Dictionary edited by Mr. Jin Tongda. His works were also selected into the national-level calligraphy and painting collections such as Collection of Paintings and Calligraphies of the National Research Institute of Literature and History , Collection of Paintings and Calligraphies of the National Culture Palace of China , Collection of China Art Museum . The picture book Tranditional Chinese Paintings of Mr. Zhao Wanbi has been published by Sichuan Art Publishing Company.  (zhaoshuyuan)










