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Zuo Yulong

左宇龙   左宇龙,生于1965年2月,号竹居士、竹痴,笔名“雨浓”、“东湖隐者”,斋号“金竹园”。四川省作家协会会员,四川省美术家协会会员,四川省书法家协会名誉理事,成都工笔画会理事。曾以诗词、散文、报告文学为生;茶余饭后临池不缀,近来积极探索水墨情趣画。先后发表诗歌、报告文学及散文作品60余万字,书画作品多次参加名类展览并获奖,先后被日本、法国、新西兰友人收藏。1992年获重庆、成都两市“自学成才先进青年”称号;1997年获四川省“八五”期五一文学艺术奖。作品先后收入多种文集、画册。 Zuo Yulong, whose pen name is Yunong and Banqin, was born in February 1965. He is a postgraduate of Economy Management College in Sichuan University, member of Sichuan association of Writer and Calligraphy, the specially invited painter of Sichuan Sansheng Art City of Calligraphy and Painting. His works including poems, reports and process are added up to six hundred thousand words. He has took part in all kinds of exhibition and won prize for many times, his paintings and calligraphy had collected by Japanese and Frenchman. In 1992, he won the prize of "ten advanced young men by one‘s self effort in Chengdu and Chongqing two cities".In 1994, he won "advanced person by one‘s self effort of electricity department".In 1997, he won "Wu Yi arts prize of literature" in "the eighth five year‘s plan".In recent years, he has took active part in researching the creation of scholars,and his works have been collected by many publication.













Zuo Yulong, whose pen name is Yunong and Banqin, was born in February 1965.
He is a postgraduate of Economy Management College in Sichuan University, member of Sichuan association of Writer and Calligraphy, the specially invited painter of Sichuan Sansheng Art City of Calligraphy and Painting. His works including poems, reports and process are added up to six hundred thousand words. He has took part in all kinds of exhibition and won prize for many times, his paintings and calligraphy had collected by Japanese and Frenchman. In 1992, he won the prize of "ten advanced young men by one‘s self effort in Chengdu and Chongqing two cities".In 1994, he won "advanced person by one‘s self effort of electricity department".In 1997, he won "Wu Yi arts prize of literature" in "the eighth five year‘s plan".In recent years, he has took active part in researching the creation of scholars,and his works have been collected by many publication.