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Jiang Pin

江苹 号嘉士,1934年生于成都。高级美术师。少时秉承家学,从其父蜀中名家江梵众研习绘画,并得父好友张大千等名师指点。现为中国工艺美术学会高级会员、四川省美术家协会会员、四川省文史馆馆员、四川省工艺美术学会常务理事暨书画专业委员会主任、四川省政府外事办对外书画交流画家、成都市政协书画院顾问。   经半个世纪踏踏实实地做功夫,在国画上已形成鲜明的艺术个性。他全面涉及山水、人物、花鸟画,而尤以工笔花鸟最有特色。作品《芙蓉小鸟》、《春雪》、《菜篮子里鱼肉多》等章法别致,设色爽丽,给人的审美感受是高雅、宁静、清新。   四十余年致力于中国画理论和技法研究,潜心绘事,功底深厚。花鸟、山水、人物无一不善,尤擅工笔重彩,所写珍禽瑞翎、奇花异卉均传神精妙,自成一格。作品多次参加国内外书画展、出版或发表于各级专业画刊,为国内外文博、艺术单位及友人收藏。小传辑入《中国美术家辞典》等。   Introduction Jiang pin, high-grade painter, was born in Chengdu in 1934. He Took painting orders from his father Mr. Jiang Fang, famous painter in Sichuan at his time, and from Mr. Zhang Da-Qian, a great master of traditional Chinese painting as well as his father‘s good friend. He is a senior member of the Industrial Art Association of China, a member of the Painters‘ Association of Sichuan, a researcher of the Cultural and Historical Academy of Sichuan, director of both the Industrial Art Association of Sichuan and the Calligraphy & Painting Professional Commission, an exchange painter of the Foreign Affair Office of Sichuan Provincial Government, and a consultant of the Political Consultative Calligraphy and Painting Society of Chengdu. He has being engaged in researching of the theory and skills of traditional Chinese Painting for more than 40 years. He specializes in flower-bird, mountain-water and figure painting and is expert in realistic flower-bird painting. Exotic flowers, Rare birds and animals under his brush are vivid touch. After practicing steadily and surely for half a century, his unique artistic style has been formed. His paintings, "Cottonrose Hibiscus and birds", "Spring Snow", "Full of Fish and Meat in Vegetable Basket" are conventional. They give you aesthetic, elegant and clear feelings.

















Jiang pin, high-grade painter, was born in Chengdu in 1934. He Took painting orders from his father Mr. Jiang Fang, famous painter in Sichuan at his time, and from Mr. Zhang Da-Qian, a great master of traditional Chinese painting as well as his father‘s good friend. He is a senior member of the Industrial Art Association of China, a member of the Painters‘ Association of Sichuan, a researcher of the Cultural and Historical Academy of Sichuan, director of both the Industrial Art Association of Sichuan and the Calligraphy & Painting Professional Commission, an exchange painter of the Foreign Affair Office of Sichuan Provincial Government, and a consultant of the Political Consultative Calligraphy and Painting Society of Chengdu.

He has being engaged in researching of the theory and skills of traditional Chinese Painting for more than 40 years. He specializes in flower-bird, mountain-water and figure painting and is expert in realistic flower-bird painting. Exotic flowers, Rare birds and animals under his brush are vivid touch. After practicing steadily and surely for half a century, his unique artistic style has been formed. His paintings, "Cottonrose Hibiscus and birds", "Spring Snow", "Full of Fish and Meat in Vegetable Basket" are conventional. They give you aesthetic, elegant and clear feelings.