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Wan Fung Art Gallery is a fine arts organization, dedicated to the promotion of Chinese culture through the masterpieces of eminent contemporary Chinese artists. Wan Fung Art Gallery was established in 1986. The following year it launched a succession of ambitious and long-term promotional schemes. Up to the present, it has organized over 600 high-quality art exhibitions in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, America, Canada and mainland China as well as in many other countries in South East Asia. The gallery has published more than 90 art books. Among these art books, there is one entitled “Twentieth Century Masterworks of Chinese Painting” published in 2001, and it required painstaking preparation and revision for six years. This great work earned high acclaim in all circles of society.
The objective of Wan Fung Art Gallery has consistently been to discover and promote the artists who possess unique style and a variety of skills. Most of these artists have become influential masters represented in all kinds of contemporary Chinese fine art schools. Thus, Wan Fung has become a leading representative for numerous contemporary Chinese painting masters. Among those, there are more than twenty artists who are regularly on the list of selected lots in auction companies such as Christies and Sotheby. Hence, Wan Fung has opened an international market for Chinese fine arts.
Wan Fung Art Gallery stocks over 13,000 original masterpieces. Wan Fung has proved to be one of the biggest investors and promoters of contemporary Chinese paintings. The head office of Wan Fung Art Gallery is in Hong Kong. There are three branch galleries in Beijing, Shanghai and Zhongshan city in Guangdong Province. All of these branches are playing an important role as enthusiastic intermediaries in promoting the outstanding Chinese artworks for all art lovers at home and abroad. The great effort and enthusiastic service from all the staff of Wan Fung will continue to contribute significantly to the promotion of Chinese culture and art.
In 2004 Wan Fung Art Gallery is regarded as one of the ten finest galleries in Chinese art circles. The gallery is also included in the directory of “China Patriotic Collective” published in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Mr. Kwok Ho-mun, the founder of Wan Fung Art Gallery, is a famous art connoisseur and critic in Hong Kong. He is noted as a marketing strategist for artworks with highly original insights and is the friend of Chinese artists. His biography is listed in the reference “Who’s Who of Hong Kong and Macau” and extensively reported upon by many newspapers and magazines at home and abroad.

云峰画苑主持:郭浩满 先生
1947年生于中国上海 , 祖籍中国广东
生长于书香世家 , 童年时代便有机会接触大量中国名家书画真迹 ,自幼研习绘画、篆刻。
1966年高中毕业, 适逢中国进入文化革命时期 , 在这段动荡的日子里 ,深刻领悟了人生哲理 , 并致力研究中国绘画理论和技法 , 同时进修中国文学、历史和哲学 。
1974年移居香港 , 即组建绘画工作室 , 并从事各项投资和中国画教学。
1986年创立云峰画苑 ,翌年正式开始了一项长远而庞大的中国艺术推广计划 , 至今已在港台、东南亚及中国大陆各地策划组织了五百多个高质素的艺术展览 , 出版了八十余本画集 ; 在这十多年间 , 曾发表了大量艺术评论和艺术家推介文章, 并为香港、上海和北京多份财经报章、杂志撰写有关中国艺术品投资规律的文章 , 近期更受上海财经大学的邀为中国银行界讲授中国艺术品投资课程; 曾先后在东南亚及中国各地举办了过百个艺术讲座 , 获得了中外各界人士高度的评价。
事迹被曾编入 “港澳名人与精英”一书 , 2004年度被中华爱国国典编委会评为香港特别行政区 “中华爱国英才”入编国典 。
现被中外艺术界誉为独具眼光的艺术推广战略家和 “中国画家之友” , 其著作 “中国画收藏与投资”在中国及东南亚各地被评为最具参考价值的艺术投资工具书之一。