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Luo Siwei

罗四维   国画家罗四维,祖籍四川岳池,1937年12月生于重庆。现为重庆市文史研究馆馆员、四川省美术家协会会员、重庆市美术家协会会员、重庆文史书画研究会常务理事,东方书画家协会理事,重庆磐溪画院副院长。擅长中国山水、花鸟画。其作品在国内及日本、加拿大、新加坡、菲律宾、台湾、香港等地展出,被各界收藏。重庆电视台、重庆有线电视一台以《国画家罗四维》、《罗四维的国画艺术》分别做了专题评介。重庆市文联主办的“文艺界”专版刊发《罗四维国画作品选》,山水《版纳之春》入选天津人美出版社的《当代绘画艺术》大型专业学术画册,在各类报刊发表国画作品百余幅。国画《巴山月》获“庆香港回归东方文学艺术创作交流展”美术金奖;国画《长河落日》获“首届海峡两岸书画名家精品大展”金奖;国画《嘉陵夕照》获“海峡两岸中国书画名家纪念辛亥革命90周年书画精品大展”一等奖。出版有《罗四维山水画》、《重庆九人国画展作品集》,辑入作品20幅。艺事被收入多种典籍。 The Master traditional Chinese painting Luo Siwei was born in Chongqing in December,1937 withhis original family home at Yuechi,Sichuan Province.He is good at Chinese landscape paintings,flowers and birds paintings.He is now a librarian of The Research Institute of Literature and History of Chongqing City,member of The Artist Association of Sichuan Province and Deputy President of Chongqing Panxi Painting Academy. Luo Siwei devoted himself to the study ofthe works of most traditional Chinese paintings in every dynasty and painting history.Supported by flexible skills,profound understandings,he has established a reputation with his own artistic characteristis by absorbing the strong points of others and mastery of comprehenpoint art forms.He workde out the art propositions as"the key point is the understanding of spirit,to write apainting with spirit,the meaning of a painting stands out of the painting method and to seek unique in stead of cunnings through his creation practice.His paintings are well praised in the country,in Japan,Canada,Singapore,Philipping,Belgium,Taiwan and Hong Kong for their profound significance,gracious elegance,vigorous strokes and unique structure.His works have been collected by foreigners,overseas Chinese and museums and edited in the painting albums.The landscape"Setting sun in long river"won gold prize in the lst Masterpieces Exhibition Of The Famous Calligrapher And Painter Across The Strait and the painter‘s name has been edited into the book"World Celebrity Directory."













The Master traditional Chinese painting Luo Siwei was born in Chongqing in December,1937 withhis original family home at Yuechi,Sichuan Province.He is good at Chinese landscape paintings,flowers and birds paintings.He is now a librarian of The Research Institute of Literature and History of Chongqing City,member of The Artist Association of Sichuan Province and Deputy President of Chongqing Panxi Painting Academy.

Luo Siwei devoted himself to the study ofthe works of most traditional Chinese paintings in every dynasty and painting history.Supported by flexible skills,profound understandings,he has established a reputation with his own artistic characteristis by absorbing the strong points of others and mastery of comprehenpoint art forms.He workde out the art propositions as"the key point is the understanding of spirit,to write apainting with spirit,the meaning of a painting stands out of the painting method and to seek unique in stead of cunnings through his creation practice.His paintings are well praised in the country,in Japan,Canada,Singapore,Philipping,Belgium,Taiwan and Hong Kong for their profound significance,gracious elegance,vigorous strokes and unique structure.His works have been collected by foreigners,overseas Chinese and museums and edited in the painting albums.The landscape"Setting sun in long river"won gold prize in the lst Masterpieces Exhibition Of The Famous Calligrapher And Painter Across The Strait and the painter‘s name has been edited into the book"World Celebrity Directory."




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