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Qiu Shengxian

邱胜贤艺术简介 邱胜贤,美国艺杰画廊独家签约画家,出生于1955年,文革后77级大学生,82年毕业于景德镇陶瓷学院美术系雕塑专业,是一位集雕塑与绘画创作聚于一身的当代资深艺术家。 如果说马蒂斯的绘画是试图表现一种宁静与舒适的效果,那么我的绘画则是追求一种快乐无忧,博爱天下的感受!我是希望能通过绘画这一特殊的语言,传递出一种精神,一份真情以及对生活的热爱。在现在工业社会,人们一方面感受着诸多物质生活所带来的快感,与此同时也不断承受着诸多精神上的沉重压力。我的绘画就是为了缓解和释放内心的苦楚,追求人类本有的快乐与幸福。我所想表意的是:让世界充满欢乐,唤人间大爱无疆! 我的“中国福”系列(福星、福娃系列)是近年来创作的主要作品,它已成为我艺术的显著标志。我喜爱那一张张快乐无比的笑容,那是我要告诉人们的一种生活态度,一种乐观精神。它同时也时刻唤醒人们对人间真情的惜爱以及对生命价值的思考。当然更多的是承载了我孩提时代的记忆和梦想。当初选择创作主题使我颇废心机。在思想上,一方面我十分地眷恋本土文化血脉,因为它是我的土壤,我的根,我们民族赖以生存的精神支柱;另一方面,我又渴望西方现代的观念,那是我需要的空气,阳光和雨露。东西方的融合能使我的艺术如虎添翼,天马行空。也更能使我的“中国福”系列空间辽阔而深远。 为了使我的绘画具有创造性和应有的艺术价值,形成艺术风格个人化是我毕生的追求。我力争风格形式明显化,但这种风格并非偶然,而是将我多年来在美术领域所涉猎的雕塑、陶艺、连环画、彩墨画以及书法全面重组整合而成,使得绘画与雕塑感并存。远观画面厚重,震撼,冲击力强;近视则丰富,可读,耐人寻味。特别值得一提的是,我的大部分艺术形体都是由许多细小的人体母子所组合。人体艺术已有几千年的历史,它不仅在古老的岩画、西方绘画中以及印度宗教雕刻里有大量的反映,就是在我国唐代敦煌飞天里也频频出现。它是一种尊贵,一种圣洁和美丽的象征。而母子之情无疑为天底下最无私,最伟大的爱了!这种大美大爱所组合而成的个人艺术符号,始终贯穿在我画面的各个领域,从而形成一种特有的标志,这也是目前世界艺术中唯一的一种独特表现方式。当人们驻足静观时,不禁浮想联翩。这是佛境中的极乐世界?还是原本的现实?或许理想中的境地?总之,那是一种安宁的、和谐的、无私的、美好而又幸福的世界。 我希望我的“中国福”系列能够得到更多人的赏识,从而表达一种寻求内心精神家园的美好愿望。 Introduction of Qiu Shengxian’s Works Qiu Shengxian was born in Shangtang, Jiangxi Province, 1955 and graduated from Jin Dezhen Art Academy in 1982. He is now under exclusive contract of Outstanding Art gallery in Shanghai. In history, Buddha Bodhisattva Maitreya is typically pictured with either both feet on the ground or crossed at the ankles, seated on a throne, waiting his time. He regards all living beings with compassion and is foremost in the perfection of patience. Maitreya is the symbol of great love, happiness and harmony in traditional Chinese culture. And in Qiu’s works, he has fully embodied these features. Looking at Qiu’s paintings, the audience is always struck by his strong visual contrast and deeply touched by the peaceful laughter. However, Qiu presents not only the feature of Maitreya but also philosophic enlightenment and a pursuit for the true meaning of life. Mother and child images fill in the whole picture, representing the most beautiful form, that of the human body and the most selfless love, that between a mother and her child. The artistic style of Qiu Shengxian has unparalleled aestheticism. Integrating his experience in disciplines such as sculpture, calligraphy and Chinese traditional painting, he has made full use of all the acquired skills to create his own unique signature. In a world full of struggle and fierce competition, Qiu’s work brings every individual a welcome dose of harmony and tranquility. More infomation,pls visit: http://www.outstandingartshanghai.com/artists/qiushengxian/en-artist.asp More paintings pls go to: http://cid-04176da25fae17ba.spaces.live.com MSN: qiushengxian@hotmail.com



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Introduction of Qiu Shengxian’s Works

Qiu Shengxian was born in Shangtang, Jiangxi Province, 1955 and graduated from Jin Dezhen Art Academy in 1982. He is now under exclusive contract of Outstanding Art gallery in Shanghai.

In history, Buddha Bodhisattva Maitreya is typically pictured with either both feet on the ground or crossed at the ankles, seated on a throne, waiting his time. He regards all living beings with compassion and is foremost in the perfection of patience. Maitreya is the symbol of great love, happiness and harmony in traditional Chinese culture. And in Qiu’s works, he has fully embodied these features.

Looking at Qiu’s paintings, the audience is always struck by his strong visual contrast and deeply touched by the peaceful laughter. However, Qiu presents not only the feature of Maitreya but also philosophic enlightenment and a pursuit for the true meaning of life. Mother and child images fill in the whole picture, representing the most beautiful form, that of the human body and the most selfless love, that between a mother and her child.

The artistic style of Qiu Shengxian has unparalleled aestheticism. Integrating his experience in disciplines such as sculpture, calligraphy and Chinese traditional painting, he has made full use of all the acquired skills to create his own unique signature.

In a world full of struggle and fierce competition, Qiu’s work brings every individual a welcome dose of harmony and tranquility.

More infomation,pls visit:


More paintings pls go to:


MSN: qiushengxian@hotmail.com






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