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Wang Anguo

王安国 字有为,1948年生,成都市人。中国书法家协会会员、四川省书法家协会教育委员会委员、四川省书学学会会员、成都市书法家协会常务理事、成都市政协书画院画师、成都市文联丙戌金石书画研究会常务理事。   自幼受家庭熏陶,热爱中国传统文化,笃喜书法艺术,聆教于祖父王光国先生。多年来潜心书道,不懈研修。其书法作品曾入展全国第二届中青年书法家作品展、全国第三届书法展及棠湖国际书法邀请展,’93、’94、’96、’97四川名家书法展,中韩书法交流展等并数次赴日本展出。在国内外多种书法专集、报刊上发表作品或有专文介绍。近二十年来,有多件作品被国内名胜、园林及文博、新闻单位刻石、陈列或收藏。1984年在上海文汇书法竞赛中获奖。获四川省冶金职工首届美术书法摄影展书法一等奖。1985年获国家冶金部全国冶金职工首届美术书法摄影展书法唯一金奖。1998年获全国第八届“群星奖”美术书法摄影展优秀奖。   为弘扬中华书法艺术,自1983年以来又致力于青少年书法教育,有书法教材和《学生六体书法小字典》(合著)等出版。   Wang Anguo, Calligrapher, also named as Youwei, was born in Chengdu in 1948. He is a member of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, a member of the Educational Committee of Sichuan Provincial Calligrapher Association, a member of Sichuan Provincial Calligraphy Society, a member of standing council of the Calligrapher Association of Chengdu, a painter of the Political Consultative Calligraphy and Painting Institute of Chengdu, and so on. Since his childhood, Wang Anguo was instructed by Mr. Wang guoan, his grandfather. He loved deeply Chinese traditional culture, especially calligraphy. He is a very potential and original arts explorer. His works have been chosen in the Second National Mid-Young Calligraphers‘ Works Exhibition, the Third National Calligraphy Exhibition, Tanghu International Calligraphy Invitation Exhibition, and were also displayed in Japan. His works have been introduced by some calligraphy periodicals and newspapers. In recent 20 years, his much more works have been carved, exhibited or housed by some scenic spots, gardens and press circles at home and abroad. In order to carry forward Chinese traditional calligraphy, he has dedicated him to fostering teen-agers since 1983. He has his own textbooks and Six Kind of Styles of Calligraphy Mini Dictionary for Students published.















Wang Anguo, Calligrapher, also named as Youwei, was born in Chengdu in 1948. He is a member of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, a member of the Educational Committee of Sichuan Provincial Calligrapher Association, a member of Sichuan Provincial Calligraphy Society, a member of standing council of the Calligrapher Association of Chengdu,
a painter of the Political Consultative Calligraphy and Painting Institute of Chengdu, and so on.

Since his childhood, Wang Anguo was instructed by Mr. Wang guoan, his grandfather. He loved deeply Chinese traditional culture, especially calligraphy. He is a very potential and original arts explorer. His works have been chosen in the Second National Mid-Young
Calligraphers‘ Works Exhibition, the Third National Calligraphy Exhibition, Tanghu International Calligraphy Invitation Exhibition, and were also displayed in Japan. His works have been introduced by some calligraphy periodicals and newspapers. In recent 20 years,
his much more works have been carved, exhibited or housed by some scenic spots, gardens and press circles at home and abroad.

In order to carry forward Chinese traditional calligraphy, he has dedicated him to fostering teen-agers since 1983. He has his own textbooks and Six Kind of Styles of Calligraphy Mini Dictionary for Students published.




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