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Xin Xianming

辛宪铭 辛宪铭,1962年7月生于山东东平州城,大学文化,现为中国书画家协会理事,一级美术师,中国书画杂志社专业画家,中华书画名人网客座教授,中国北京兴华艺林书画院理事,北京泰龙画院副院长,山东兰竹画院画家,泰山画院高级画师,泰安市美术家协会会员,2005年12月被授予“中国当代书画百杰艺术家”称号,擅长国画人物,写意,工笔兼能。 自幼酷爱绘画,少年时师从齐白石弟子赵华岩先生,八十年代拜著名国画家单应桂教授为师,学习水墨人物画。后研习宋代写意人物画鼻祖梁楷,现代人物画家周思聪,范曾,刘大为,白伯骅等多家画理画法,画风清新纯朴,意境高远,讲重笔墨功力,趣韵及内涵。 辛宪铭国画作品多次在全国及省市重大展览中获奖,并在各类报刊发表。1999年12月,2002年10月,2004年1月“经济日报”,“齐鲁电视台”,“山东电视台”分别对其作品及艺术成就进行了专题报道。《中国书画名人网》,《中国艺术家网》,《书画国际》等六家互联网站对其作品进行了专题展示。2006年1月,其艺术成就被文化部中国文化信息中心等部门载入《祥和中国》,《当代书画名家代表作典库》等大型艺术文献。国画《民族的渴望》,《周总理的嘱托》,《艺术属于人民》,《少林武僧》,《采药女》等作品被国家科技展览馆,毛主席纪念堂,中国艺术研究院,炎黄艺术馆,山东省美术馆以及美国,加拿大有关学校,单位和个人收藏。 Xin Xianming,Who was born in july,1962 in Dongping Shandong province,has got a university diploma.Now he is a trustee of Chinese Writing Painting and association ,the first?class artist,professional artist of the Chinese Writing and Painting magazine,The specially engaged and life-long artist of the Chinese lnternational painting and callig-raphy lnstitute. Visiting professor of Chinese writing and painting on Who is Who Net,a trustee of Xinghuayilin writing and painting institute in Beijing,the subdecanal of Tailong painting institute in Beijing, the artist of Lanzhu painting institute in Shandong, a senior artist of Taishan Painting institute, and a member of the TaiAn artists association.In December 2005,he was awarded the title of “one hundred excellent artists of modern Chinese writing and painting”.He is good at traditional Chinese painting.of characters,freehand,and detailed brushwork He has loved painting since he was young. Xin Xianming have learned from Mr Zhao Huayan,who was Qi Baishi’s prentice.In the 1980s, he learnt Chinese character painting from Shan Yinggui, the famous painter professor of the traditional Chinese painting Shan Yinggui.Larer he studied the paintings from Liang Kai, The Father of Freehand Brushwork paintong in Song Dynasty and modem artists such as Zhou Sicong.Fan Zeng. Bai Bohua,and so on.His art style is very fresh and simple and has very profound and important meanings.He also pays attention to improving his skill.by relating thickink,spirit to its inner meanings. Xin Xianming’s Chinese paintings have been awarded many prizes in national or provincal exhibitions,and were published on many kinds of journals.In January,2006,his works and biograp hy were recorded by the Center of Chinese Literal lnformation of the Literary Department in “Peaceful China”and“Modern Famous Artists”. In December 1999,October 2002and January 2004,“ Economy Daily”,“ Qilu TV station”and“Shandong TV Station”did special topics of him.Six network Websites including“Chinese Artists Net” and“Chinese famous artists net” made homepages for him for free, so that his works can be specially showed. His Chinese paintings“the Nation’s Aspiration”,“ Premier Zhou’s Enjoin”,“ Art Belongs to the People”,“ Shaolin Monk” and“Herb-picking Girl” were collected by National science Technology Exhibition,Hall Chinese Art Institute,Chairman Mao’s Recordative Concours,YanHuang Art Institute,Shandong Art Institute and some schools,units and individuals in America,Canada and Japan.















Xin Xianming,Who was born in july,1962 in Dongping Shandong province,has got a university diploma.Now he is a trustee of Chinese Writing Painting and association ,the first?class artist,professional artist of the Chinese Writing and Painting magazine,The specially engaged and life-long artist of the Chinese lnternational painting and callig-raphy lnstitute. Visiting professor of Chinese writing and painting on Who is Who Net,a trustee of Xinghuayilin writing and painting institute in Beijing,the subdecanal of Tailong painting institute in Beijing, the artist of Lanzhu painting institute in Shandong, a senior artist of Taishan Painting institute, and a member of the TaiAn artists association.In December 2005,he was awarded the title of “one hundred excellent artists of modern Chinese writing and painting”.He is good at traditional Chinese painting.of characters,freehand,and detailed brushwork He has loved painting since he was young. Xin Xianming have learned from Mr Zhao Huayan,who was Qi Baishi’s prentice.In the 1980s, he learnt Chinese character painting from Shan Yinggui, the famous painter professor of the traditional Chinese painting Shan Yinggui.Larer he studied the paintings from Liang Kai, The Father of Freehand Brushwork paintong in Song Dynasty and modem artists such as Zhou Sicong.Fan Zeng. Bai Bohua,and so on.His art style is very fresh and simple and has very profound and important meanings.He also pays attention to improving his skill.by relating thickink,spirit to its inner meanings.

Xin Xianming’s Chinese paintings have been awarded many prizes in national or provincal exhibitions,and were published on many kinds of journals.In January,2006,his works and biograp hy were recorded by the Center of Chinese Literal lnformation of the Literary Department in “Peaceful China”and“Modern Famous Artists”. In December 1999,October 2002and January 2004,“ Economy Daily”,“ Qilu TV station”and“Shandong TV Station”did special topics of him.Six network Websites including“Chinese Artists Net” and“Chinese famous artists net” made homepages for him for free, so that his works can be specially showed. His Chinese paintings“the Nation’s Aspiration”,“ Premier Zhou’s Enjoin”,“ Art Belongs to the People”,“ Shaolin Monk” and“Herb-picking Girl” were collected by National science Technology Exhibition,Hall Chinese Art Institute,Chairman Mao’s Recordative Concours,YanHuang Art Institute,Shandong Art Institute and some schools,units and individuals in America,Canada and Japan.




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