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黄纯尧 1925年1月生于成都。1947年毕业于前国立中央大学艺术系。师承徐悲鸿、黄君璧、谢稚柳、傅抱石、陈之佛诸先生。全国美协会员。中华名人协会会员。曾任南京师大美术系教授、江苏美协常务理事、副秘书长。离休回成都,曾任四川教育学院美术系教授、四川大学兼任教授、四川省政协书画研究院名誉院长、徐悲鸿国际艺术研究究会副主席、四川文史馆研究员、上海铁道大学顾问教授、四川省诗书画院艺术顾问,成都画院、南通书画院、巴蜀诗书画研究会顾问,徐悲鸿国际艺术研究会副主席、张大千、徐悲鸿国际研究院副院长。长期从事中国画史教学与研究,同时进行山水画创作。曾23次(单程)过三峡,画近3000张,寓秀于雄,神形意趣兼备,雅俗共赏,诗书画结合,被誉为"黄三峡"。作品曾两次参加全国美展,多次参加出国展览,并在京沪、穗、婶、成、渝、宁、台北、济南等地举行人展。部分作品被国内外博物馆美术馆以及美国前总统尼克松、布什两位先生收藏。出版《黄纯尧画选》、《黄纯尧画集》、《黄纯尧山水百图集》、《黄纯尧作品集》、《黄纯尧题画诗稿》、《黄纯尧美术论文集》。小传被收入国内和日、英、美多种词典,获美国传记学会杰出人物奖,中外十六个书画团联合授予世界书画艺术名人称号,《中国书画报》等授予当代百名优秀文艺家称号。获国际美术家联合会学术编委会银奖。 Mr. Huang Chunyao is a famous artist of traditional Chinese painting and a member of the Chinese Artists‘ Union. He was born in Jannuary1925 in Chengdu, Sichuan province and graduated from the department of the fine arts of the former National Central University in 1947. He was a professor at Nanjing Normal University, an executive director and vice secretary general of the Jiangshu Artists‘ Union. After his retirement from Jiangshu Normal University he returned to his hometown Chengdu and taught as a professor of Sichuan College of Education. Mr. Huang is now an adjunct professor at Sichuan Union University, honorary president of the Painting and Calligraphy Institute under Sichuan People‘s Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the international Research Society for Xu Beihong‘s Works of Art, a research fellow at the Sichuan research Institute of Culture and History, a consulting professor at Shanghai Railway Engineering University, an artist consultant at Sichuan Institute of Poetry, Painting and Calligraphy, and adviser for Chengdu Institute of Painting, Nantong Institute of Painting and Calligraphy, Sichuan senior Citizens‘ Research Society for Painting and Calligraphy, and Bashu( Sichuan) Research Society for Poetry , Painting and Calligraphy, a professor and vice president of Chengdu Hanlin Art Institute of Painting and Calligraphy, a professor at Sichuan Senior Citizens‘ University and Chengdu Senior Citizens University, an honorary director of Jiangshu Artists‘ Union, an honorary member of the international Biographical Center Advisory Council( Cambridge of England), a member of American Biographical Institute. He received the Distinguished Leadership Award from American Biographical Institute.













Mr. Huang Chunyao is a famous artist of traditional Chinese painting and a member of the Chinese Artists‘ Union. He was born in Jannuary1925 in Chengdu, Sichuan province and graduated from the department of the fine arts of the former National Central University in 1947. He was a professor at Nanjing Normal University, an executive director and vice secretary general of the Jiangshu Artists‘ Union. After his retirement from Jiangshu Normal University he returned to his hometown Chengdu and taught as a professor of Sichuan College of Education.
Mr. Huang is now an adjunct professor at Sichuan Union University, honorary president of the Painting and Calligraphy Institute under Sichuan People‘s Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the international Research Society for Xu Beihong‘s Works of Art, a research fellow at the Sichuan research Institute of Culture and History, a consulting professor at Shanghai Railway Engineering University, an artist consultant at Sichuan Institute of Poetry, Painting and Calligraphy, and adviser for Chengdu Institute of Painting, Nantong Institute of Painting and Calligraphy, Sichuan senior Citizens‘ Research Society for Painting and Calligraphy, and Bashu( Sichuan) Research Society for Poetry , Painting and Calligraphy, a professor and vice president of Chengdu Hanlin Art Institute of Painting and Calligraphy, a professor at Sichuan Senior Citizens‘ University and Chengdu Senior Citizens University, an honorary director of Jiangshu Artists‘ Union, an honorary member of the international Biographical Center Advisory Council( Cambridge of England), a member of American Biographical Institute. He received the Distinguished Leadership Award from American Biographical Institute.






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