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Dai Wei

戴 卫 1943年生,斋号风骨堂。现为中国美术家协会理事,中国美协中国画艺术委员会会员,四川省美术家协会副主席,国家一级美术师、享受国务院津贴专家,四川省诗书画院常务副院长。 1959年考入四川美术学院附中,1964年下乡务农,经历了8年知青生涯。曾任四川少年儿童出版社副总编、副社长。1982年入中国画研究院深造,得到李可染、蔡若虹、叶浅予、黄胄先生指导。 1989年在中国美术馆举办《戴卫人物画展》。新华社、《人民日报》、中央电视台、《人民画报》、《美术》杂志,台湾《雄狮美术》及香港《收藏天地》等30余家媒体均有报道和评介,随之应邀赴日本、澳大利亚、加拿大、美国以及香港、台湾地区办展览和讲学。   作品收录于《中国现代美术全集》(书籍装帧、插图、中国画共三卷),并入百年中国画展。历任深圳国际水墨双年展顾问、评委。2001年、2002年、2003年任全国中国画作品展评委,首届全国画院双年展评委,西部大地情中国画展评委,第二届全国中国画展评委,第十届中国画展评委。   其代表作有《李逵探母》、《钟声》、《回声》、《重逢》、《棋魂》、《四川茶馆》、《九老图》、《风雨雷电》、《风骨堂人物》等。出版有《戴卫封面插图选集》、《戴卫人物画集》、《戴卫小品人物画集》、《百年中国画展名家作品集戴卫专辑》等。   著名美术评论家邵大箴先生有评:戴卫的绘画艺术定有哲理性。他的人物画,语言简洁,内涵丰富,融理性思考与感情表现于一炉,作品中不仅显示出传统的功力与自己的个性,也显示出现代的意识。 Dai Wei was born in 1943. His personal studio is named Feng Gu. He is a member of the Fine Artists‘ Association of China , a standing director of Sichuan Fine Artists‘ Association, the first-rate painter of China, both a painter and a vice president of the Research Academy of Chinese Traditional Poetry,Calligraphy, and Painting of Sichuan. In 1964, he left the attached middle school of Sichuan Fine Art College to go to countryside, and then began his 8-year intellectual young people experience at the time. After that, he worked as an art designer, an editor and a decorative painter of illustrations. He was a vice executive editor and a vice president of Sichuan children‘s publishing house. No matter what his fate is,he has given his loyalty to art career forever. Just for the reason, he was recognized accidentally by Mr. Huang Zhou and was recommended to the Chinese Traditional Painting Institute of the Cultural Ministry of China for advanced study. During this period, he was instructed by Mr. li keran, Mr. Cai Tuohong and Mr. Ye Qianyu, who were great artistic masters in China. His paintings had chances to take part in exhibitions both at home and aboard. He won many prizes.Fine art museum as well as related institutes at home and aboard has collected his works. In 1989, "Dai Wei‘s Figure Paintings exhibition" was held in the Fine Art Museum of China. Recent years, his works have been displayed at home and aboard. His figure paintings, with terse language and rich intention, composed of rational thinking and perceptual expression, not only display traditional achievements and his personality, but also conveys modern consciousness. He is appreciated as a philosophic artist for developing a new style in modern Chinese painting forum. In 1993, Dai Wei was recorded in "International Famous People" by American Biography Association. In 1994, the State Council awarded him as a specialist for outstanding contribution. He has enjoyed the government subsidy since then.











戴 卫


Dai Wei was born in 1943. His personal studio is named Feng Gu.
He is a member of the Fine Artists‘ Association of China , a standing director of Sichuan Fine Artists‘ Association, the first-rate painter of China, both a painter and a vice president of the Research Academy of Chinese Traditional Poetry,Calligraphy, and Painting of Sichuan. In 1964, he left the attached middle school of Sichuan Fine Art College to go to countryside, and then began his 8-year intellectual young people experience at the time. After that, he worked as an art designer, an editor and a decorative painter of illustrations. He was a vice executive editor and a vice president of Sichuan children‘s publishing house. No matter what his fate is,he has given his loyalty to art career forever. Just for the reason, he was recognized accidentally by Mr. Huang Zhou and was recommended to the Chinese Traditional Painting Institute of the Cultural Ministry of China for advanced study. During this period, he was instructed by Mr. li keran, Mr. Cai Tuohong and Mr. Ye Qianyu, who were great artistic masters in China. His paintings had chances to take part in exhibitions both at home and aboard. He won many prizes.Fine art museum as well as related institutes at home and aboard has collected his works. In 1989, "Dai Wei‘s Figure Paintings exhibition" was held in the Fine Art Museum of China. Recent years, his works have been displayed at home and aboard. His figure paintings, with terse language and rich intention, composed of rational thinking and perceptual expression, not only display traditional achievements and his personality, but also conveys modern consciousness. He is appreciated as a philosophic artist for developing a new style in modern Chinese painting forum. In 1993, Dai Wei was recorded in "International Famous People" by American Biography Association. In 1994, the State Council awarded him as a specialist for outstanding contribution. He has enjoyed the government subsidy since then.




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