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宋克君 宋克君,1922年出生于广西桂林。战时于1939年考入“桂林行营政治部战时绘画训练班”。1940年加入“中华全国木刻界抗敌协会”。1940年至1942年在广西、广东、湖南从事抗战美术宣传。1942年加入欧阳予倩主持的“广西艺术馆美术部”工作,在广西艺师进修。1944年到重庆进徐悲鸿主持的“中国美术院”工作并进修国画。1946年至1995年间在国内外多次举办画展。曾任重庆育才学校、重庆蜀中艺专及重庆艺专讲师。是中国美术家协会会员、中国版画家协会会员、新中国成立后历任四川美术家协会常务理事,现为荣誉理事。1987年出任重庆伊斯兰画院院长。作品常参加全国美展及出国展览,多幅作品编入了国内、国际大型画册,作品并为北京“中国美术馆”以及“天津艺术博物馆”“桂林博物馆”“湖南美术馆”“四川美术学院陈列馆”四川“神州版博物馆”所收藏。1991年西南师范大学出版社出版了“宋克君画选”。   Song kejun, born in 1922 in Guilin, Southwest China Guangxi province, enrolled himself in the Wartime Art Training Class under the political department of Guilin Field Headquarters in 1939, and joined the Chinese National Anti-Japanese artistic propaganda in southern provinces,such as Guangxi, Guangdong and Hunan. In 1942, he worked in the art section of Guangxi Cultural Center under the leadership of Ouyang YU-qian, at the same time he studied in Guangxi Normal School of Fine Arts. In 1944, he went to Chongqing; he worked and studied Chinese painting in Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, which was run by Xu Beihong. From 1946 to 1995, Song has had several art exhibitions at home and abroad. Song once worked as a teacher in Chongqing Yucai School, Chongqing Shuzhong Art School and Chongqing Art School. He is now a member of Chinese Artists Association, an honorary concil member of Sichuan Artists Association. In 1987 Song was made the chairman of Chongqing Islamic Art Institute. Many of Song‘s works have been selected into collections of artistic works published in China and in foreign countries. His works are collected by Beijing National Art Gallery, Tianjing Art Museum, Hunan Art Gallery, the Exhibition Hall of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, and Sichuan Shenzhou Art Museum. In 1991, A Seletion of Song Ke-jun‘s Artistic Works was published by the Publishing House of Southwest China Normal University.














Song kejun, born in 1922 in Guilin, Southwest China Guangxi province, enrolled himself in the Wartime Art Training Class under the political department of Guilin Field Headquarters in 1939, and joined the Chinese National Anti-Japanese artistic propaganda in southern provinces,such as Guangxi, Guangdong and Hunan. In 1942, he worked in the art section of Guangxi Cultural Center under the leadership of Ouyang YU-qian, at the same time he studied in Guangxi Normal School of Fine Arts. In 1944, he went to Chongqing; he worked and studied Chinese painting in Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, which was run by Xu Beihong. From 1946 to 1995, Song has had several art exhibitions at home and abroad.

Song once worked as a teacher in Chongqing Yucai School, Chongqing Shuzhong Art School and Chongqing Art School. He is now a member of Chinese Artists Association, an honorary concil member of Sichuan Artists Association. In 1987 Song was made the chairman of Chongqing Islamic Art Institute. Many of Song‘s works have been selected into collections of artistic works published in China and in foreign countries. His works are collected by Beijing National Art Gallery, Tianjing Art Museum, Hunan Art Gallery, the Exhibition Hall of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, and Sichuan Shenzhou Art Museum. In 1991, A Seletion of Song Ke-jun‘s Artistic Works was published by the Publishing House of Southwest China Normal University.




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