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Ai Shizi

艾石之 1930年生,四川泸州人,受家学影响,自幼酷爱绘画,从事美术创作近五十年,六十年代初进修于中央美术学院油画系,长期在中西绘画优秀传统的互补上进行探索,在外师造化,博采从长的基础上逐步行成自己的风格。现为中国美术家协会会员,四川省美术家协会荣誉理事,成都市美术家协会会员。   他的主要作品中国画《取酥油》参加全国第二届中国画展,油画《雪线运输》参加全军三届美展获优秀作品奖,为中国美术馆收藏,《捻线歌》等在日本、香港等地展出。不少中国山水画为国内外友好人士收藏。传略辑入《中国现代美术家人名录大辞典》,《世界当代书画名家大辞典》,《中国当代艺术界名人录》等。   Ai Shizi was born in Luxian county, southwest China Sichuan province, in 1930. He has ardently loved painting since childhood. He has been engaged in fine art creation for more than 50 years. He enrolled in the Oil Painting Deportment of the Naional Fine Art College for advanced study. He has probed into the way combining chinese traditional techniques with the western countries‘ good painting skills for a long period. Based on absorbing the best of other painters‘ skills, his own style was formed. He currently holds positions as a member of Chinese Artists Association, an honorary council member of Sichuan Provincial Artists Association, a member of the Artists Association of Chengdu. His chinese painting , Fetching Buttered Tea, took part in the Second National Chinese Painting Exhibition. His oil painting, Trsporting under Snow Line, won prize in the Third Art Exhibition of the pLA. They were collected by the Fine Art Museum of China. His twisting Thread Song was exhibited in Japan, Hongkong and the other places. Quite a few of his mount-water paintings have been collected by friendly personality at home and aboard. His biography was recorded in the Dictionary of Chinese Contemporary Famouse Artists, the Dictionary of the World‘s Contemporary Calligraphers and Paintists, etc.














  Ai Shizi was born in Luxian county, southwest China Sichuan province, in 1930. He has ardently loved painting since childhood. He has been engaged in fine art creation for more than 50 years. He enrolled in the Oil Painting Deportment of the Naional Fine Art College for advanced study. He has probed into the way combining chinese traditional techniques with the western countries‘ good painting skills for a long period. Based on absorbing the best of other painters‘ skills, his own style was formed. He currently holds positions as a member of Chinese Artists Association, an honorary council member of Sichuan Provincial Artists Association, a member of the Artists Association of Chengdu. His chinese painting , Fetching Buttered Tea, took part in the Second National Chinese Painting Exhibition. His oil painting, Trsporting under Snow Line, won prize in the Third Art Exhibition of the pLA. They were collected by the Fine Art Museum of China. His twisting Thread Song was exhibited in Japan, Hongkong and the other places. Quite a few of his mount-water paintings have been collected by friendly personality at home and aboard. His biography was recorded in the Dictionary of Chinese Contemporary Famouse Artists, the Dictionary of the World‘s Contemporary Calligraphers and Paintists, etc.




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