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Jiang Rong

江溶 男 满族 1954年生于成都。国家二级美术师,成都画院创作研究部主任,中国文化促进会会员,中国工艺美术学会会员,四川省美术家协会会员,四川省政府书画研究院画师,成都民盟书画院副院长。师从著名工笔画家朱佩君老师。在三十余年艺术生涯中,努力探索属于自己的艺术语言,追求清雅明快的风格与建立深远的意境。作品先后参加第二届全国青年美展,第二、三、五届全国工笔画大展,中国青年国画法国展,中国当代工笔画赴美作品展。世纪天府百年中国画油画展 数次获奖。并在《美术》、《中国书画》、《中国画》、《美术大观》等全国刊物发表,出有《江溶工笔花鸟画集》,中国军事博物馆、深圳博物馆、四川省图书馆均有作品收藏。 Jiang Rong, a traditional Chinese painting artist, the Man nationality, was born in Chengdu in 1954. He works as a professional painter in the Traditional Chinese Painting Academy of Chengdu. He is a member of the Industrial Art Society and the Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute of China, a member of the Fine Artists‘ Association of Sichuan, and a painter of the Research Institute of Sichuan Political Consultative Calligraphy and painting. He learned from Mr.Zhu Pei-Jun, a famous realistic painting artist. He has been probing into his unique artistic language for more than twenty years. His painting is magnificently conceived with clear, bright, and profound. His paintings have been chosen to display in the Second National Paintings Exhibition of the Youth, the Second & Third National Realistic Paintings Exhibition, the Exhibition of Works of the Chinese Young Painters held in France, the Exhibition of Chinese Current Realistic Paintings held in America. He won a lot of prizes. His paintings have been selected into the Fine Art, Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, Chinese Painting, Sichuan Pictorial, and so forth. The jointed Album of Sichuan Eight Calligraphers‘ and Painters‘ Works has been published. The Military Museum of China, the Museum of ShenZhen, the Library of Sichuan, etc have collected his some paintings.












男 满族 1954年生于成都。国家二级美术师,成都画院创作研究部主任,中国文化促进会会员,中国工艺美术学会会员,四川省美术家协会会员,四川省政府书画研究院画师,成都民盟书画院副院长。师从著名工笔画家朱佩君老师。在三十余年艺术生涯中,努力探索属于自己的艺术语言,追求清雅明快的风格与建立深远的意境。作品先后参加第二届全国青年美展,第二、三、五届全国工笔画大展,中国青年国画法国展,中国当代工笔画赴美作品展。世纪天府百年中国画油画展 数次获奖。并在《美术》、《中国书画》、《中国画》、《美术大观》等全国刊物发表,出有《江溶工笔花鸟画集》,中国军事博物馆、深圳博物馆、四川省图书馆均有作品收藏。

Jiang Rong, a traditional Chinese painting artist, the Man nationality, was born in Chengdu in 1954. He works as a professional painter in the Traditional Chinese Painting Academy of Chengdu. He is a member of the Industrial Art Society and the Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute of China, a member of the Fine Artists‘ Association of Sichuan, and a painter of the Research Institute of Sichuan Political Consultative Calligraphy and painting. He learned from Mr.Zhu Pei-Jun, a famous realistic painting artist. He has been probing into his unique artistic language for more than twenty years. His painting is magnificently conceived with clear, bright, and profound. His paintings have been chosen to display in the Second National Paintings Exhibition of the Youth, the Second & Third National Realistic Paintings Exhibition, the Exhibition of Works of the Chinese Young Painters held in France, the Exhibition of Chinese Current Realistic Paintings held in America. He won a lot of prizes. His paintings have been selected into the Fine Art, Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, Chinese Painting, Sichuan Pictorial, and so forth. The jointed Album of Sichuan Eight Calligraphers‘ and Painters‘ Works has been published. The Military Museum of China, the Museum of ShenZhen, the Library of Sichuan, etc have collected his some paintings.




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