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Li Yelin

李野林  1939年12月生于四川省广安县,从事绘画艺术创造性探求40余年,运用中国画的工具和材料,以独创的技法、独特的风格,融中、西各画种之精髓于一体,创造了“野林彩墨画”新画种,在国际画坛独树一帜。近年来在国内外举办十几次个人画展,所到之处,均引起当地各界的强烈震撼。1995年在纽约荣获美国国际文化艺术中心授予的《彩墨画创新成就奖》;1996年第二次在纽约举办个人画展时,美国中文电视台摄制了专题片《李野林——野林彩墨画创始人》,被誉为“宣纸上的‘油画’”;“中西画的结晶”;“沟通东西方文化的桥梁”。这一新画种受到了国际画坛关注,在学术上、绘画史上有着重要的价值。1996年马来西亚收藏家在吉隆坡成立了《野林艺术中心》。1997年美国一批专业人士在纽约成立了《野林艺术研究中心》。很多优秀作品被美国、加拿大、瑞士、德国、日本、新加坡、马来西亚、香港、台湾等地区的机构或收藏家高价购藏。 ·1999年5月加拿大多伦多五湖学院院长到画室参观。 ·1999年5月 法国《快报周刊》记者鲁安娜二人专程到画室参观采访。 ·1999年8月《野林彩墨画精品展》在昆明东陆饭店举办。原中国驻联合国、驻美国大使李道豫参观画展。李大使称野林彩墨画是真正的世界语言。 Mr. Yelin Li, an artist , was born in December of 1939 in Guang‘an county, Sichuan province. He has been engaged in artwork for more than 40 years. He boldly mixed Chinese ink‘s lingering charm and the vigor of strokes with the skills of light and color of brand-new painting style, by using traditional Chinese writing brushes and rice paper and a unique artistic style. Li‘s art works have made strong repercussions not only at home but also abroad. The Center for International Art Culture in New York honored the chinese Painting Innovation Awards to Li in 1995, and an American TV station made a special documentary movie "Li, Originator of Yelin Colorful Chinese Ink Painting", in which his art works are considered as "a kind of oil painting on rice paper", "a crystallization of Chinese and western painting" and "a bridge between Eastern culture". In 1996, Malaysian collectors for art works established Yelin Art Center in Kuala lumpur. In 1997, some experts in New York set up Yelin Art Research Center. Many artworks of Li‘s have been collected by people from the United States, Canada, Britain, Switzerland, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Hongkong and Taiwan.














·1999年5月 法国《快报周刊》记者鲁安娜二人专程到画室参观采访。


Mr. Yelin Li, an artist , was born in December of 1939 in Guang‘an county, Sichuan province. He has been engaged in artwork for more than 40 years. He boldly mixed Chinese ink‘s lingering charm and the vigor of strokes with the skills of light and color of brand-new painting style, by using traditional Chinese writing brushes and rice paper and a unique artistic style. Li‘s art works have made strong repercussions not only at home but also abroad. The Center for International Art Culture in New York honored the chinese Painting Innovation Awards to Li in 1995, and an American TV station made a special documentary movie "Li, Originator of Yelin Colorful Chinese Ink Painting", in which his art works are considered as "a kind of oil painting on rice paper", "a crystallization of Chinese and western painting" and "a bridge between Eastern culture". In 1996, Malaysian collectors for art works established Yelin Art Center in Kuala lumpur. In 1997, some experts in New York set up Yelin Art Research Center. Many artworks of Li‘s have been collected by people from the United States, Canada, Britain, Switzerland, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Hongkong and Taiwan.




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