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Dai Yuan

戴媛 笔名雨珊,1959年生,四川成都人。现为中国书法家协会会员,中国书法家协会书法培训中心副教授,四川省书协理事,四川省书协专职书法家。幼嗜书法,宗法唐楷,具深厚传统功底。后攻行书,尤喜蜀中先贤苏轼、赵熙,而深致研习,也涉猎汉魏六朝碑版。博约观取,自成一格。其书风既出于古意规矩之中,又变于法度之外。笔意潇洒而无狂怪之陋。秀劲古雅,溶古意于清丽之中,充满审美意趣。 亦事绘画,工写意人物、花鸟,构图精巧而又自然,颇具清雅之致。作品曾入选《中国书法艺术博览会》、《全国首届妇女书法篆刻展》、《第一届中国新加坡妇女书法展》、《首届国际青年书法展》、《第四次中日自咏诗书法展》、《国际精品书法邀请展》、《首届中日妇女书法篆刻展》、《中日名笔研究会书道展》、《首届中韩书法交流展》、《第三次中日妇女书法展》、《中国当代百家妇女书法邀请展》、《首届四川省书法家画展》、《四川省国画家小品展》等二十余次国内外大型书展。作品被西安碑林博物馆、中南海博物馆、张大千纪念馆、蒲松龄纪念馆、日本墨盈书道会、日本一华书道会、日本神户名笔研究会馆、韩国书道艺术殿堂、新加坡书法艺术中心等国内外十余处博物馆收藏。另有作品镌刻于黄帝碑林、随州编钟碑林、东山摩崖诗壁、孔子碑林等几十处。 Dai Yuan, pen name, YUshan, female, was born in Chengdu in 1959. She is a member of China Calligrapher Association, a vice professor of calligraphy training center in CCA, a member of council in Sichuan Calligrapher Association, a professional calligrapher in SCA.Her works was chosen in "the Second to the Sixth National Calligraphy Competition of CCA","the First National Calligraphy Art Fair","the First National Women Calligraphy Exhibition", "the First Zhong Xin Women Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition","the Forth Sino-Japanese SelfPoetry Calligraphy Exhibition","International Fine Calligraphy Invitation Exhibition","the First SinoJapanese Women Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition","SinoJapanesee Famous Calligrapher Researching Calligraphy Exhibition", "the First SinoKorean Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition", "the First Sichuan Province Calligrapher Painting Exhibition","Sichuan Province Painting Essay Exhibition" and so on.Her works was collected in Xi‘an Beilin Museum, Zhong Nan Hai Museum, the Zhang Daqian Museum, the Pu Songlin Museum, Japan Moying Calligraphy Association, Japan Yihua Calligraphy Association ,Japan Kobe Famous Calligrapher Research Association and other museum at home and abroad.In July, 1992, she was invited by Japanese Calligraphy Association to have a calligraphy and art exchange visit in Hiroshima, Japan. She joined in "SinoJapanese Friendship Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition for Resuming the Diplomatic Relations Twenty Memorials". She was invited to Singapore to take part in the chinese culture festival in Mar.1998.Her biography is elected in China Present Famous Persons Register, China Present Famous Persons in Paint and Calligraphy Circles Collection,China Present Calligrapher Dictionary, the World Chinese Art Yearbook and other more than ten dictionaries.












笔名雨珊,1959年生,四川成都人。现为中国书法家协会会员,中国书法家协会书法培训中心副教授,四川省书协理事,四川省书协专职书法家。幼嗜书法,宗法唐楷,具深厚传统功底。后攻行书,尤喜蜀中先贤苏轼、赵熙,而深致研习,也涉猎汉魏六朝碑版。博约观取,自成一格。其书风既出于古意规矩之中,又变于法度之外。笔意潇洒而无狂怪之陋。秀劲古雅,溶古意于清丽之中,充满审美意趣。 亦事绘画,工写意人物、花鸟,构图精巧而又自然,颇具清雅之致。作品曾入选《中国书法艺术博览会》、《全国首届妇女书法篆刻展》、《第一届中国新加坡妇女书法展》、《首届国际青年书法展》、《第四次中日自咏诗书法展》、《国际精品书法邀请展》、《首届中日妇女书法篆刻展》、《中日名笔研究会书道展》、《首届中韩书法交流展》、《第三次中日妇女书法展》、《中国当代百家妇女书法邀请展》、《首届四川省书法家画展》、《四川省国画家小品展》等二十余次国内外大型书展。作品被西安碑林博物馆、中南海博物馆、张大千纪念馆、蒲松龄纪念馆、日本墨盈书道会、日本一华书道会、日本神户名笔研究会馆、韩国书道艺术殿堂、新加坡书法艺术中心等国内外十余处博物馆收藏。另有作品镌刻于黄帝碑林、随州编钟碑林、东山摩崖诗壁、孔子碑林等几十处。

Dai Yuan, pen name, YUshan, female, was born in Chengdu in 1959. She is a member of China Calligrapher Association, a vice professor of calligraphy training center in CCA, a member of council in Sichuan Calligrapher Association, a professional calligrapher in SCA.Her works was chosen in "the Second to the Sixth National Calligraphy Competition of CCA","the First National Calligraphy Art Fair","the First National Women Calligraphy Exhibition", "the First Zhong Xin Women Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition","the Forth Sino-Japanese SelfPoetry Calligraphy Exhibition","International Fine Calligraphy Invitation Exhibition","the First SinoJapanese Women Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition","SinoJapanesee Famous Calligrapher Researching Calligraphy Exhibition", "the First SinoKorean Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition", "the First Sichuan Province Calligrapher Painting Exhibition","Sichuan Province Painting Essay Exhibition" and so on.Her works was collected in Xi‘an Beilin Museum, Zhong Nan Hai Museum, the Zhang Daqian Museum, the Pu Songlin Museum, Japan Moying Calligraphy Association, Japan Yihua Calligraphy Association ,Japan Kobe Famous Calligrapher Research Association and other museum at home and abroad.In July, 1992, she was invited by Japanese Calligraphy Association to have a calligraphy and art exchange visit in Hiroshima, Japan. She joined in "SinoJapanese Friendship Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition for Resuming the Diplomatic Relations Twenty Memorials". She was invited to Singapore to take part in the chinese culture festival in Mar.1998.Her biography is elected in China Present Famous Persons Register, China Present Famous Persons in Paint and Calligraphy Circles Collection,China Present Calligrapher Dictionary, the World Chinese Art Yearbook and other more than ten dictionaries.





